• How to have an Eco school? Share your experience

    Ecology is a science that studies the connections, relationships, characteristics of the environment and living organisms.
    Students' environmental knowledge, as an integral part of educational culture, is an irreplaceable tool for demonstrating environmental behavior in everyday life, solving seemingly unsolvable issues before they become problems, infecting and following people around them with their example, cooperating with older and younger friends.
    I want to start with the environmental group. Will you help me with your ideas?
    Please share your experience, How to have an Eco school.
    Where to start, What topics to discuss?

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Ani-Bareghamyan sorry to say, if student come school 1st time he or her should be no ideas about environment thats why teacher handle and adjust students problems

    Burfat Ali

  • @Burfatmukhtiar
    Yes, the teacher should help. It's about the fact that, having no environmental education, I want to have an environmental group. That's why I want to hear advice from my older friends. Thank you for the response.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Ani-Bareghamyan me also able for work in environmental education

    Burfat Ali

  • @Burfatmukhtiar
    Share your experience.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Ani-Bareghamyan Hi, this is what my school practiced to become an eco school. We will always monitor students awareness on green campaign done in school through weekly programme. For example, this week we create a project of making a dumbbells' out of recycle clothes.

  • Re: How to have an Eco school? Share your experience

    Creating an eco-school involves incorporating sustainability and environmental education into the school's curriculum and daily practices. Here’s a guide to get you started:

    Where to Start

    1. Form an Eco-Committee:

      • Involve students, teachers, parents, and local community members.
      • Assign roles and responsibilities.
    2. Conduct an Environmental Review:

      • Assess the school's current environmental impact.
      • Identify areas for improvement, such as energy use, waste management, and water conservation.
    3. Develop an Action Plan:

      • Set achievable goals based on the review.
      • Plan activities and projects to address these goals.
    4. Integrate into Curriculum:

      • Incorporate environmental education into various subjects.
      • Use project-based learning and real-life examples.
    5. Monitor and Evaluate:

      • Regularly check progress and make adjustments.
      • Celebrate successes and learn from challenges.

    Topics to Discuss

    1. Waste Management:

      • Recycling, composting, and reducing single-use plastics.
      • Organize clean-up drives and waste segregation campaigns.
    2. Energy Conservation:

      • Teach about renewable energy sources.
      • Implement energy-saving practices, like switching off lights and using energy-efficient appliances.
    3. Water Conservation:

      • Importance of saving water and ways to reduce wastage.
      • Rainwater harvesting and fixing leaks.
    4. Biodiversity:

      • Importance of local flora and fauna.
      • Create school gardens, plant trees, and set up bird feeders.
    5. Sustainable Transport:

      • Promote walking, cycling, and carpooling.
      • Educate about the environmental impact of different transport modes.
    6. Healthy Living:

      • Encourage organic gardening and healthy eating.
      • Discuss the benefits of physical activities and mental well-being.
    7. Climate Change:

      • Causes and effects of climate change.
      • Discuss global and local initiatives to combat climate change.

    Activities and Projects

    • Eco-Friendly Art Projects: Use recycled materials for art projects.
    • Environmental Science Projects: Conduct experiments and research on environmental topics.
    • Field Trips: Visit local parks, recycling centers, and nature reserves.
    • Green Competitions: Organize contests related to recycling, energy-saving, and more.

    By incorporating these steps and topics, you can foster an environmentally conscious school culture and empower students to make a positive impact on the planet.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • Re: How to have an Eco school? Share your experience

    To establish an Eco school, begin by forming an environmental group that includes students, teachers, and parents. Assess current practices and identify areas for improvement, then set clear and achievable goals such as reducing waste or conserving energy. Educate and involve the school community through workshops and projects on climate change, sustainability, and conservation. Implement practical projects like a school garden or recycling programs, and monitor progress while celebrating successes to sustain motivation and awareness. Focus discussions on waste reduction, energy conservation, sustainable practices, climate change, and biodiversity to foster a green school environment.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • Asalamo-aliqum sister
    Starting an environmental group and fostering an eco-friendly school culture is a wonderful initiative! Here’s a guide to help you kickstart and maintain an Eco School, along with key topics to discuss and activities to implement.

    1. Getting Started with Your Environmental Group
      1.1 Form a Green Team

    Invite Participants: Gather interested students, teachers, and staff to form a core group. Encourage diversity in the team, including different age groups and interests.
    Define Roles: Assign roles such as coordinator, event planner, communication lead, and data recorder to ensure smooth operation and clear responsibilities.
    1.2 Set Clear Goals

    Short-term Goals: Start with manageable projects, like reducing plastic use or starting a recycling program.
    Long-term Goals: Consider more ambitious projects, such as achieving a Green Flag status or becoming carbon neutral.
    1.3 Conduct a School Environmental Audit

    Assess the current environmental impact of your school. This includes energy use, waste production, water usage, and biodiversity.
    Use the audit results to identify key areas for improvement and set measurable targets.
    2. Developing an Eco Curriculum
    2.1 Integrate Environmental Topics Across Subjects

    Science: Study ecosystems, climate change, and renewable energy sources.
    Geography: Discuss the impact of human activities on landscapes and the importance of conservation.
    Math: Use data from the environmental audit to create graphs and analyze trends.
    Art and Literature: Explore themes of nature and conservation, encouraging creative expression around these topics.
    2.2 Host Workshops and Guest Speakers

    Invite environmental experts, activists, or local government officials to speak about current environmental issues and solutions.
    Hold workshops on topics like composting, sustainable living, or renewable energy.
    3. Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices
    3.1 Waste Reduction and Recycling

    Set up recycling stations around the school with clear labels for different materials.
    Encourage waste reduction through initiatives like "zero waste lunch" days.
    3.2 Energy and Water Conservation

    Promote energy-saving practices, such as turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use.
    Install water-saving devices and encourage mindful water use among students and staff.
    3.3 Green Spaces and Gardening

    Create a school garden to grow vegetables and native plants, providing hands-on learning opportunities.
    Encourage the planting of trees and maintaining green spaces around the school.
    3.4 Sustainable Transportation

    Promote walking, biking, or carpooling to school to reduce carbon emissions.
    Organize events like "Bike to School Day" to encourage eco-friendly commuting.
    4. Community Involvement and Awareness
    4.1 Eco Events and Campaigns

    Host events like Earth Day celebrations, tree planting days, or eco-fairs to raise awareness.
    Run campaigns on topics such as reducing single-use plastics or conserving water.
    4.2 Collaborate with Local Organizations

    Partner with local environmental groups, businesses, or government agencies for support and resources.
    Participate in community clean-up projects or local environmental initiatives.
    4.3 Communication and Outreach

    Use newsletters, social media, and school announcements to share the group’s activities and successes.
    Encourage students to present their projects or findings to the school community or at local events.
    Topics to Discuss and Activities to Include
    Climate Change: Causes, effects, and ways to mitigate impact.
    Biodiversity: Importance of species diversity and conservation efforts.
    Sustainable Living: Tips for reducing waste, conserving resources, and making eco-friendly choices.
    Renewable Energy: Understanding solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources.
    Pollution: Types of pollution (air, water, soil) and their effects on health and the environment.
    Eco-Innovation: New technologies and approaches for solving environmental challenges.
    By engaging students and the school community in these activities and discussions, you can foster a deep understanding and commitment to environmental stewardship. Starting an Eco School is a rewarding journey that will not only benefit the environment but also educate and inspire future generations. Good luck with your initiative! And if you ever need more ideas or resources, don't hesitate to reach out.

  • An Eco-School is an educational institution that has made a commitment to sustainability and environmental education. The Eco-Schools program is an international initiative that encourages schools to become more sustainable and environmentally conscious.

  • @Ani-Bareghamyan After reading the topic I googled it as I have no experience of Eco-School. The google says Creating an eco-school involves integrating sustainable practices into the school environment and curriculum.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Ani-Bareghamyan I can't post pics and many time i take class in environmental education

    Burfat Ali

  • @Tabassumlaghari Assalam o alekom my dear sister .thanks for your reply .And ofcourse if we take a good start on preliminary basis in future our learners generation will experience such an ideal eco-school.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @Sanjay-Kumar-1 SALAM My Dear Brother. Thanks for sharing your valuable suggestions. if we apply these strategies so it is not far that our mother planet will be green and save from hazards or challenges.
    Together, we can work towards a future where our planet is:

    • Greener: with reduced pollution, preserved natural habitats, and increased green spaces
    • Safer: with mitigated climate change impacts, reduced natural disasters, and improved environmental health
    • More sustainable: with responsible resource management, reduced waste, and increased eco-friendly practices.
      best regards

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @Burfatmukhtiar ASSALAM O ALEKOM my dear sir .No doubt.Iam sure definitely you did a great job.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @FarhanMehboob ASSALAM O ALEKOM my dear brother .yes indeed you are right.But you have to try or take initiate to become a part of eco-friend envronment at your workplace.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @Burfatmukhtiar

    Photos can only be uploaded from a computer. I tried to install it on my phone, but it didn't work.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Sahar730dd459d2

    Thank you for your response, please elaborate, I was very interested.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @AFSHA28f0a2936e
    Dear colleague, thank you for your valuable advice.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Tabassumlaghari
    Hello dear colleague, thank you for your feedback and advice, will you elaborate on Energy saving.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia