• Student-Led Conference

    A Student-Led Conference is a meeting where students take the lead in discussing their academic progress and goals with their teachers and parents. Instead of traditional parent-teacher conferences where teachers do most of the talking, students prepare and present their own work, reflecting on their achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. This approach encourages students to take ownership of their learning, develop communication skills, and become more engaged in their education.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • Absolutely agree with you.
    Could you please share, for what purposes have you already organized student-led conferences?

  • @Ana_moderator I don't have organized the led conference yet, I have planned to do it after the holidays dear... I had set up a comment section where I told the students to write the good and bad things about my class without any hesitation. I asked them to write everything on one page and submit it to me without mentioning their names on the page....
    this helped me a lot. I got to know everything, and the students also felt good that the teacher didn't know their names.they wrote everything they wanted to, and I knew about all the complaints and feelings of them.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Shazia-Baloch
    Student led conference create independent learners and this may prepare them to become autonomous.

  • @Shazia-Baloch Hi Shazia, yes indedd student led conference is a good initiative to bring out confidence inside the students and showcase their skills and creativity. Do tell me if there is any students conference that I can involved my students with. Very interested to join it.

  • @Sahar730dd459d2 Absolutely!! student-led conferences are an excellent initiative to build confidence and highlight students skills and creativity....

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Housna Agreed..! Student-led conferences promote independence and prepare students to become autonomous learners...

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Shazia-Baloch said in Student-Led Conference:

    I had set up a comment section where I told the students to write the good and bad things about my class without any hesitation. I asked them to write everything on one page and submit it to me without mentioning their names on the page....

    Could you please clarify whether you are referring to an online or offline format?

  • @Ana_moderator offlin format dear

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • Aslam o alikum and Hi every one I read one post about Student-led conferences, weather there are many benefits of students -led conference .where students take the lead in discussing their progress and learning with their parents and teachers, have several advantages. However, they also come with some disadvantages like
    Student Anxiety:
    Public Speaking: Some students may feel anxious or uncomfortable speaking in front of their parents and teachers, which can affect their performance and ability to convey their thoughts clearly.
    Self-Esteem Issues: Students who are struggling academically might feel embarrassed or stressed about discussing their difficulties in front of their parents.
    Lack of Professional Insight: Parents may miss out on professional insights and evaluations from teachers, relying primarily on the student’s perspective.
    Cultural Differences: In some cultures, it might be unusual or uncomfortable for children to take a leading role in discussions with adults, potentially creating a cultural barrier.
    It's my point of view
    Everyone has his/her own experience and idea
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