• Ideas for you_Build innovative environment in classroom with ICT

    @Ana_moderator My most preferred approach is project based learning

  • @Ana_moderator said in Ideas for you_Build innovative environment in classroom with ICT:


    Project-based learning (PBL) is an excellent approach that can be well-supported by various EdTech tools. Here are some recommendations for effective EdTech tools to integrate with project-based learning:

    1. Collaboration Platforms:

      • Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) for real-time collaboration on project documents, presentations, and data analysis.
      • Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) can also facilitate group work on projects.
      • Online whiteboards like Miro, Jamboard, or Padlet enable brainstorming, mind mapping, and visual organization of project ideas.
    2. Research and Information Gathering:

      • Digital libraries and ebook platforms like Sora, Epic, or OverDrive provide access to a wide range of research materials.
      • Search engines like Google Scholar help students find relevant academic sources for their projects.
      • Online reference tools like Wikipedia, Britannica, or LexisNexis allow students to gather background information.
    3. Multimedia Creation:

      • Video creation and editing tools like WeVideo, Adobe Spark, or iMovie allow students to produce multimedia project presentations.
      • Audio recording and editing apps like Audacity or GarageBand can be used for podcast or audio-based project deliverables.
      • Image editing software like Canva, Pixlr, or GIMP enable the creation of visual aids, infographics, and project assets.
    4. Project Management:

      • Tools like Trello, Asana, or Microsoft Planner help students organize project tasks, deadlines, and collaborative workflows.
      • Online calendars and scheduling apps facilitate coordinating team meetings and milestones.
      • Cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive enable centralized file sharing and version control.
    5. Presentation and Demonstration:

      • Slideshow tools like Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Prezi allow students to create engaging project presentations.
      • Interactive display tools like Buncee or Nearpod make it easy to incorporate multimedia and formative assessments into project showcases.
      • Virtual meeting platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet enable remote project demonstrations and client/stakeholder interactions.

    The key is to select EdTech tools that foster collaboration, research, creativity, and project management to support the PBL process and empower students to take ownership of their learning.

  • I agree with the above-mentioned ideas that ICT is a powerful tool used in the teaching process, but the main goal of every teacher is to have a highly motivated audience. Tons of materials can be used, and the whole lesson can be delivered with the help of ICT, but if the students are bored and are not integrated into the process, then the teacher hasn't reached her or his goal and the lesson is in vain. So we as teachers should be very cautious while planning the lesson and using this or that approach or tool.

  • @Housna

    certainly. The lessons in students time table will change automatically once the teacher upload the new lesson every week, because the timetable created using google drive. So, all the changes made by teacher will upgrade in students timetable link immediately..

  • @Antonia Absolutely, integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into special education can indeed be transformative. Tools like interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and devices such as tablets or laptops offer numerous benefits. They can enhance engagement through interactive lessons, cater to various learning styles, provide personalized learning experiences, and even facilitate communication and social skills development. For educators specializing in special education, these technologies can be invaluable in creating inclusive and effective learning environments tailored to meet the diverse needs of their students.

  • @Ana_moderator
    Warm greetings from Armenia.
    The 21st century is the century of information and scientific knowledge, and that's it
    means that the educational system must solve a fundamentally new, global problem:
    prepare the generations for new life conditions and activities
    in the information and mobile world. Therefore, at this stage of society's development
    there is a need to create such an educational space in the school where
    students will develop qualities that meet the requirements of the 21st century:
    knowledge, abilities and skills.
    Media literacy is a skill of the 21st century, we need to develop it from an early age, for this I use ICT tools in almost all fine arts classes in the form of games (quiz, learning app), slides, videos. And how do you use ICT tools? Let's share our effective experience here.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Samar-Mohamed

    You proposed the Nearpod apps, I normally embed it in the classroom. Indeed, it is a useful tool that promotes student's participation. It is also helps in formative assessment. Nearpod facilitates the teaching and learning process. I highly recommend to use it.

  • @Housna Thank you for the feedback and recommendation. I appreciate you sharing your experience with using Nearpod in the classroom.

  • @Ana_moderator you have explained it very well. The digital tools play essential role in understanding of students. When they perform or simulate the reality based scenario then their learning improves efficiently

    ( Uzaif Talpur )

    • Junior Elementary School Teacher (Government Boys Campus High School Lakhat, Tando Muhammad Khan, Sindh Pakistan)
    • Ai Researcher and Master's student (Mehran UET Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan)
    • Climate change activist, volunteer & leader
  • You have explained it very well, these tools generate virtual environment mimicking reality based scenarios. This way students can learn very efficiently

    ( Uzaif Talpur )

    • Junior Elementary School Teacher (Government Boys Campus High School Lakhat, Tando Muhammad Khan, Sindh Pakistan)
    • Ai Researcher and Master's student (Mehran UET Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan)
    • Climate change activist, volunteer & leader
  • @Bousl2336873cb4 The potential of using ICT is way beyond our imagination. The tools like PhET, ChemCollective, and other simulations based learning platforms play a crucial role in developing the enhanced learning of students. When students are exposed to reality based scenarios then learning methodology shifts towards on spot exposure of topic or scene.

    ( Uzaif Talpur )

    • Junior Elementary School Teacher (Government Boys Campus High School Lakhat, Tando Muhammad Khan, Sindh Pakistan)
    • Ai Researcher and Master's student (Mehran UET Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan)
    • Climate change activist, volunteer & leader
  • Dear @Housna ,
    Thank you for sharing your experience, this platform was really new for me, I will try to study and will definitely use it in my classes.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • ChatGPT

    Using ChatGPT and other generative AI

    1. Personalized Learning Assistance:
      Tutoring: ChatGPT can provide explanations, answer questions, and help with understanding complex concepts in real-time.
      Feedback: It can review assignments and provide constructive feedback to help improve learning outcomes.
    2. Interactive Learning:
      Simulations and Scenarios: Generative AI can create interactive scenarios for subjects like history, science, or languages, making learning more engaging.
      Role-playing: It can simulate conversations in different languages or scenarios, helping with language practice and social skills.
    3. Resource Creation:
      Content Generation: AI tools can generate quizzes, flashcards, summaries, and study guides tailored to specific topics or learning needs.
      Visual Aids: They can create diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to support understanding of complex subjects.
    4. Research Assistance:
      Information Retrieval: ChatGPT can help find and summarize relevant information from vast resources quickly.
      Bibliography and Citations: It can assist in generating and formatting bibliographies and citations for research papers.
    5. Skill Development:
      Coding Practice: AI can offer coding exercises, debug code, and explain programming concepts.
      Writing Improvement: It can help improve writing skills by offering grammar checks, style suggestions, and content enhancements.
    6. Accessibility:
      24/7 Availability: Unlike human tutors, AI tools are available round-the-clock, providing assistance whenever needed.
      Inclusive Learning: They can support learners with disabilities by offering customized learning experiences, such as text-to-speech or speech-to-text features.
    7. Motivation and Engagement:
      Gamification: AI can incorporate gamification elements into learning, making it more fun and motivating.
      Goal Setting: It can help set learning goals and track progress, encouraging continuous improvement.
    8. Collaboration and Communication:
      Group Projects: AI tools can facilitate collaboration by providing a platform for brainstorming and project management.
      Communication Skills: They can simulate conversations and debates, helping learners develop communication and critical thinking skills.
  • @Ana_moderator Thanks a bunch for gtreat ideas

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Ana_moderator Adapting to technology is crucial right now.

    I prefer using interactive video technology due to its characteristics and advantages in presenting the lesson, achieving the goals, and maintaining the interaction and activity of the students, in addition to reducing the cognitive load on the students.

  • Building an innovative classroom environment with ICT involves integrating technology to make learning more interactive, engaging, and effective. Here are some fresh strategies:

    1. Interactive Displays: Use smartboards and touch-screen displays for collaborative and hands-on learning experiences.
    2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Create immersive learning experiences with AR and VR, allowing students to explore virtual worlds, historical sites, and scientific simulations.
    3. Digital Collaboration Platforms: Employ tools like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 for real-time collaboration on projects and assignments.
    4. Educational Apps and Games: Integrate apps and games tailored to educational purposes, enhancing engagement and understanding through play.
    5. Online Research and Resources: Use digital libraries, databases, and educational websites to facilitate research and access to up-to-date information.
    6. Flipped Classroom Model: Have students watch lecture videos at home and use class time for interactive, practical activities and discussions.
    7. Digital Storytelling: Encourage students to create digital stories, combining text, images, and audio to express their understanding creatively.
    8. 3D Printing and Maker Spaces: Incorporate 3D printing and maker spaces to enable hands-on learning and innovation in subjects like science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
    9. Adaptive Learning Software: Use AI-powered adaptive learning tools to provide personalized learning experiences that adjust to each student's pace and understanding.
    10. Digital Portfolios and Assessments: Implement digital portfolios for students to track their progress and showcase their work, along with digital assessments for real-time feedback.

    These strategies can transform the classroom into a dynamic, interactive, and student-centered learning environment, leveraging technology to enhance educational outcomes.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • 21st century classroom v/s Traditional classroom:
    21st century classroom is different from traditional classroom in many ways:

    1. In traditional classroom there was backboard and white chalk but 21st century classroom is equipped with digital technology tools.
    2. In traditional classroom students were passive but in 21st classroom students are active.
    3. In trditional classroom only textbooks and note books were used but in 21st century classroom AI tools are used along with textbooks and notebooks.
    4. In traditional classroom the teacher used to be in controlling position and students followed him/her but in 21st century classroom a teacher is a guide and fecilitator where as students do their work by themselves and when they need any guidance the teachers gives them guidance.
    5. In traditional classroom students worked individually where as in 21st century classroom students work in groups.
    6. In traditional classrooms students solved exercises given by teacher but in 21st century classroom students explore new things by themselves working on different projects.
      Yousuf Memon
      Sindh, Pakistan
  • Shazia your ideas are great but I don't really agress with the first point as collaboration can be distracting with the presence of ICT that can add another challenge for students who will not only think in a higher level but also master the tevhnology like smartbkards ... to ensure that everyone is engaged and limit the fact that the good students will do the whole thing. The environment has to be wella equipped not only with tech but also with the righ ones for the right situation at the right time and level.

  • @Yousuf-Memon

    Hi @Yousuf-Memon
    Hope everything is going well,

    The 21st-century classroom significantly differs from the traditional classroom in several ways. Technology integration has replaced blackboards and chalk with digital tools, making learning more interactive and engaging for my students with autism. Students with disabilities are now active participants rather than passive recipients, utilizing AI tools alongside traditional textbooks and notebooks making the lessons accesible. Our role has shifted from a controlling authority to a guide and facilitator, helping students take charge of their own learning. Something that I love.

    Mr. Bryan

  • Welcome to a realm where learning transcends boundaries! Through interactive learning experiences powered by digital interaction, students embark on journeys that blend knowledge with excitement. Imagine history lessons where they explore ancient civilizations through virtual tours, or science classes where they dissect virtual organisms with lifelike precision. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) transforms classrooms into dynamic spaces where curiosity thrives and learning becomes an adventure. How can we further enhance interactive learning experiences to inspire the next wave of innovators?